Refereed Chapters in Books

Barbier, E.B., Hacker, S.D., Koch, E.W., Stier, A. and Silliman, B. 2024. "Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems and Their Services." Chapter 7.2 in D. Baird and M. Elliott, Michael, eds. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, vol. 7, pp. 14–34. Elsevier, Oxford. Barbier, E.B. "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and natural capital in emerging market and developing economies." Chapter 3 in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2023. Inclusive Wealth Report 2023: Measuring Sustainability and Equity. UNEP, Nairobi, pp. 50-61.

Barbier, E.B. and J.C. Burgess. 2022. "Climate and Development: The Role of the Sustainable Development Goals." Chapter 3 in A. Markandya and D. Rubbelke, eds. Climate and Development. World Scientific Series on Environmental, Energy and Climate Economics: Volume 1. World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 67-90.

Barbier, E.B. 2020. "A green post-COVID-19 recovery." In United Nations Association-UK (UNA-UK). Climate 2020. Witan Media, Painswick, UK, pp.54-56.

Barbier, E.B. 2019. "Ecological Sustainability, Intergenerational Resource Transfer and Economic Development." Chapter 18 in M. Nissanke and J.A. Ocampo, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Development Economics, Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 627-655

Barbier, E.B. 2019. "A Green New Deal." In United Nations Association–UK (UNA-UK) Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Our World. Witan Media, Painswick, UK, pp. 48-50.

Barbier, E.B. 2019. "Comments on Chapters 7 and 8." In C.B. Barrett, M.R. Carter, and J.-P. Chavas, eds. The Economics of Poverty Traps A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, pp. 315-322.

Barbier, E.B. 2019. "The Value of Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Services." Chapter 27 in G.M.E Perillo, E. Wolanski, D.R. Cahoon and C.S. Hopkins, eds. Coastal Wetlands, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 947-964.

Barbier, E.B. 2018. "Economics of Wetland Restoration and Creation." Chapter 272 in C.M. Finlayson, M. Everard, K. Irvine, R. McInnes, B. Middleton, A. van Dam and N.C. Davidson, eds. The Wetland Book, Vol. 3. Springer, Germany pp. 1997-2001.

Barbier, E.B. 2018. "Markets and governments in environmental policy." Chapter 7.13 in Noel Castree, Mike Hulme and James D. Proctor, eds. Companion to Environmental Studies, Routledge, London, pp. 793-797

Barbier, E.B. 2018. "Reconciling inclusive wealth and Piketty: Natural capital and wealth in the 21st century." Chapter 4 in S. Managi and P. Kumar, eds. Inclusive Wealth Report 2018. Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability. Routledge, London, pp. 114-135.

Barbier, E.B. 2017 "Seascape Economics: Valuing Ecosystem Services across the Seascape." Chapter 15 in S.J. Pittman, ed. Seascape Ecology, Wiley-Blackwell, New York, pp. 465-481.

Mason, C.F., V.I. Umanskaya and E.B. Barbier. 2017. "On the Strategic Use of Import Tariffs to Control Trans-Boundary Externalities." Chapter 4 in A. Dinar, ed. The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change. Vol. 1 Game Theory (A. Espinola-Arredondo and F. Munoz-Garcia, eds.). World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 93-114.

Barbier, E.B. 2017. "How Environmental Degradation Impoverishes the Poor." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science: Environmental Economics. Oxford University Press, May 24, 2017 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.403

Barbier, E.B. 2017. "Valuation of Mangrove Restoration." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science: Environmental Economics. Published online March 2017 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.458.

Barbier, E.B. and J.P. Hochard. 2016. "Development, Ecology and the Environment." Chapter 34 in E.S. Reinert, J. Ghosh and R. Kattel (eds.). Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp 651-666.

Barbier, E.B. and J.C. Burgess. 2015 "Sustainable Development: An Economic Perspective. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. (Editor-in-Chief James D. Wright) Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.823-827.

Barbier, E.B. 2015. "Valuing Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems for Storm Protection." Chapter 17 in M. Ruth, ed. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Environmental Studies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 396-406.

Barbier, E.B. 2015. "Scarcity, frontiers and the resource curse: a historical perspective." Chapter 3 in M. Badia-Miró. Pinilla and H. Willebald (eds.). Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Learning from history. Routledge, Oxford and New York, pp. 54-76.

Barbier, E.B. 2015. "Water and Growth in Developing Countries." Chapter 25 in A, Dinar and K. Schwabe (eds.), Handbook of Water Economics, Edward Edgar Cheltenham, U.K., pp. 500-512.

Barbier, E.B. 2015. "Ecosystem Services." Chapter 12 in R. Halvorsen and D. Layton (eds.). Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 330-357.

Barbier, E.B. and A. Bhaduri. 2015. "Transboundary Water Resources." Chapter 18 in R. Halvorsen and D. Layton (eds.). Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 502-528.

Bulte, E.H. and E.B. Barbier. 2014 "Trade and Renewable Resources in a Second Best World: An Overview." Reprinted article appearing as Chapter 17 in B. Copeland (ed.). Recent Developments in Trade and the Environment. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Barbier, E.B. 2014. "Challenges to Ecosystem Service Valuation and Wealth Accounting." Chapter 7 in United Nations University (UNU)-International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) on Global Environmental Change and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2014. Inclusive Wealth Report 2014. Measuring progress toward sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 159-177.

Barbier, E.B. 2014. "Ecosystems as Assets." Chapter 5 in G. Atkinson, S. Dietz, E. Neumayer and M. Agarwala (eds.). Handbook of Sustainable Development, 2nd ed. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 72-90.

Barbier, E.B. 2014. "Land use and sustainable economic development: Developing World. Chapter 6 in J.M. Duke and J. Wu (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, pp. 139-159.

Barbier, E.B. 2014. "The Protective Value of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem Services." Chapter 2 in P. Nunes, P. Kumar and T. Dedeurwaerdere (eds.). Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 27-39.

Barbier, E.B. 2014. "Natural Capital." Chapter 8 in D. Helm and C. Hepburn (eds.). Nature in the Balance: The Economics of Biodiversity. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, pp. 153-176.

Barbier, E.B., H.M. Leslie and F. Micheli. 2014. "Services of Marine Ecosystems: A Quantitative Perspective." Chapter 18 in M.D. Bertness, J.F. Bruno, B.R. Silliman and J.J. Stachowicz (eds.). Marine Community Ecology and Conservation. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, MA, pp. 403-425.

Barbier, E.B. 2013. "Environmental Sustainability and Poverty Eradication in Developing Countries." Chapter 9 in E. Paus (ed.). Getting Development Right: Structural Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability in the Post-Crisis Era, pp. 173-194.

Barbier, E.B. 2013. "Is a Global Crisis Required to Prevent Climate Change? A Historical-Institutional Perspective." Chapter 28 in R. Fouquet, ed. Handbook on Energy and Climate Change, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 598-613.

Barbier, E.B. "Wetlands and Coastal Estuaries." Chapter 131 in J. Shogren (ed.). Encyclopaedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics Elsevier, Amsterdam (in press).

Barbier, E.B. "Land use and sustainable economic development: Developing World. Chapter 16 in J.M. Duke and J. Wu (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York (in press).

Barbier, E.B. "Is a Global Crisis Required to Prevent Climate Change? A Historical-Institutional Perspective." Chaper in R. Fouquet, ed. Handbook on Energy and Climate Change, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (in press).

Barbier, E.B. "Economics of the Regulating Services" Chapter 183 in S. Levin (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam (in press).

Barbier, E.B., Hacker, S.D., Koch, E.W., Stier, A. and Silliman, B. "Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems and their Services." Chapter 6 in M. van den Belt and R. Costanza (eds.), Volume 12: Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts in the Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Series eds., E. Wolanski, and D. McLusky), Elsevier, Amsterdam (in press).

Barbier, E.B. 2010. "A Synthesis of Human Dimensions of Soil and Water Conservation: A Global Perspective" Chapter 21 in T.L. Napier (ed.). Human Dimensions of Soil and Water Conservation: A Global Perspective. Nova Science Publishers.

Barbier, E.B. 2010. "Sustainable Resource-Based Development in Asia and the Pacific: Overcoming the Problem of "Dualism within Dualism."" Chapter 3 in R.K. Chung and E. Quah (eds.), Pursuing Green Growth in Asia and the Pacific, Cengage Learning Asia, Singapore, pp. 67-86.

Barbier, E.B. 2009. "2002 - The role of natural resources in economic development." Ch. 49 in K. Anderson (ed.). Australia's Economy in Its International Context. The Joseph Fisher Lectures. Volume II:1956-2009.University of Adelaide Press, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 487-516.

Barbier, E.B., Baumgäner, S., Chopra, K., Costello, C., Duraiappah, A., Hassan, R., Kinzig, A., Lehman, M., Pascual, U., Polasky, S. and Perrings, C. 2009. "The Valuation of Ecosystem Services." Chapter 3.18 in S. Naeem, D.E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau and C. Perrings, eds. Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, & Human Wellbeing, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 248-262.

Barbier, E.B. 2009. "Trade and Natural Resources." Chapter 5 in K.P. Gallagher (ed.), Handbook on Trade and Environment, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 368 pp.

Barbier, E.B. 2009. "Ecosystem Service Trade-offs." Chapter 8 in K. McLeod and H. Leslie, eds. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans. Island Press, Washington, DC, pp. 129-144.

Barbier, E.B. 2007. "Economics of Land Conversion, Open Access and Biodiversity Loss." Chapter 2 in A. Kantolean, U. Pascual and T. Swanson (eds.), Biodiversity Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 59-91.

Bulte, E.H. and Barbier, E.B. 2007. "Trade and Renewable Resources in a Second-Best World: An Overview." Chapter 7 in A. Kantolean, U. Pascual and T. Swanson (eds.), Biodiversity Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 203-245.

Barbier, E.B. 2006. "Mangrove Dependency and the Livelihoods of Coastal Communities in Thailand." Chapter 10 in C.T.  Hoanh, T. P. Tuong, J.W. Gowing and B.Hardy (eds.), Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture - Fishery - Aquaculture Conflicts, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, pp. 126-139.

Barbier, E.B. 2006. "Natural Capital, Resource Dependency and Poverty in Developing Countries: The Problem of "Dualism within Dualism."" In R. Ló and M. Toman (eds.), Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability, Oxford University Press, pp. 23-59.

Barbier, E.B., 2003. "Environmental Project Evaluation in Developing Countries." In D. Ervin, J. Kahn and M. L. Livingston (eds.), Does Environmental Policy Work? The Theory and Practice of Outcomes Assessment. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 55-82.

Barbier, E.B., 2001, "Deforestation, Land Degradation, and Rural Poverty in Latin America: Examining the Evidence," in R. Seroa da Motta, (ed.), Environmental Economics and Policy Making in Developing Countries: Current Issues, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 118-139.

Barbier, E.B., 2001, "Environmental Valuation in Developing Countries," in H. Folmer and T. Tietenberg, eds. The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2001/2002, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp.1-39.

Barbier, E.B., 2001, "Trade and Sustainable Forestry," in G.G. Schulze and H.W. Ursprung (eds.), International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues, Oxford University Press, pp. 114-147

Barbier, E.B., 2000, Comments on the Paper by R. Jha and J. Whalley "The Environmental Regime in Developing Countries," in C. Carraro and G. Metcalf (eds.), Behavioral and Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy, Chicago Press, Chicago, pp.242-249.

Knowler, D.J. and Barbier, E.B., 2000, "The Economics of An Invading Species: A Theoretical Model and Case Study Application," in C.Perrings, M.Williamson and S. Dalmazzone (eds.), The Economics of Biological Invasions, Edward Elgar, London, pp. 70-93

Barbier, E.B., 2000, "How to Allocate Biodiversity Internationally,"   in H. Siebert (ed.), The Economics of International Environmental Problem, Kiel Institute for World Economics, Mohr Siebeck, Tün, Germany, pp. 79-106.

Benhin, J.K. and Barbier, E.B., 2000, "Estimating the Biodiversity Effects of Structural Adjustment in Ghana," in C. Perrings (ed.), The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Edward Elgar, London, pp. 273-300.

Barbier, E.B., 2000, "Rural Poverty and Natural Resource Degradation," in R. Ló and A. Valdé(eds.), Rural Poverty in Latin America, St. Martin.s Press, New York, pp. 152-184.

Barbier, E.B., 1999, "Poverty, Environment and Development,. in J.C.J.M. van den Bergh (ed.), The Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar, London, pp 731-744.

Barbier, E.B., 1998,  "Timber Trade and Environment," in M. Palo and J. Uusivuori (eds.), World Forests, Society and Environment, United Nations University, Helsinki, pp 106-117.

Barbier, E.B., 1998, "The Economics of Soil Erosion: Theory, Methodology and Examples," in E.B. Barbier, (ed.), The Economics of Environment and Development: Selected Essays, Edward Elgar, London, pp. 281-307.

Barbier, E.B., 1998, "The Role of Smallholder Producer Prices in Land Degradation: The Case of Malawi." In E.B. Barbier (ed.), The Economics of Environment and Development: Selected Essays, Edward Elgar, London, pp. 254-280.

Ansuategi, A., Barbier, E.B. and Perrings, C., 1998, "The Environmental Kuznets Curve," in J.C.J.M. van den Bergh and M.W. Hofkes (eds.). Theory and Implementation of Economic Models for Sustainable Development, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 139-164

Barbier, E.B., 1998, "The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade and Sustainable Forest Management," in F.B. Goldsmith (ed.), Tropical Rain Forest: A Wider Perspective, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 199-254.

Barbier, E.B., 1997, "Macroeconomic and Sectoral Policies, Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Growth,. in S. Vosti, and T. Reardon (eds.), Sustainability, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation: A Policy and Agroecological Perspective, Johns Hopkins University Press for the International Food Policy Research Institute, pp. 119-134.

Barbier, E.B. and Rauscher, M., 1995, "Policies to Control Tropical Deforestation: Trade Interventions vs Transfers," in C. Perrings, K-G. Mär, C. Folke, C.S. Holling and B-O. Jansson (eds.), Biodiversity Loss: Ecological and Economic Issues, Cambridge University Press,  pp. 260-282.

Barbier, E.B., 1995, "Tropical Wetland Values and Environmental Functions," in C. Perrings, K-G. Mär, C. Folke, C.S. Holling and B-O. Jansson (eds.), Biodiversity Conservation: Policy Issues and Options, Kluwer Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 147-170.

Barbier, E.B., Brown, G., Dalmazzone, S., Folke, C., Gadgil, M., Hanley, N., Holling, C.S.,  Lesser, W.H., Mär, K.-G., Mason, P., Panayotou, T., Perrings, C., Turner, R.K., and Wells, M., 1995, "The Economic Value of Biodiversity," Chapter 12 in UNEP, Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge University Press, pp. 823-914.

Barbier, E.B., 1994, "Natural Capital and the Economics of Environment and Development," in AM. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Folke and R. Costanza (eds.), Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability, Island Press, Washington DC, pp. 291-322.

Barbier, E.B., Bockstael, N., Burgess, J.C. and Strand, I., 1994, "The Timber Trade and Tropical Deforestation in Indonesia," in K. Brown and D.W. Pearce (eds.), The Causes of Tropical Deforestation: The Economic and Statistical Analysis of Factors Giving Rise to the Loss of the Tropical Forests, University College London Press, London, pp. 242-270.

Barbier, E.B., Burgess, J.C., Bishop, J.T. and Aylward, B.A., 1994, "The Role of the International Trade in Tropical Timber," in K. Brown and D.W. Pearce (eds.), The Causes of Tropical Deforestation: The Economic and Statistical Analysis of Factors Giving Rise to the Loss of the Tropical Forests, University College London Press, London, pp. 271-297.

Barbier, E.B., 1994, "The Environmental Effects of Trade in the Forestry Sector," in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The Environmental Effects of Trade, OECD, Paris, pp. 55-102.

Barbier, E.B., Adams, W.M. and Kimmage, K., 1993, "An Economic Valuation of Wetland Benefits," in G.E. Hollis, W.M. Adams and M. Aminu-Kano (eds.), The Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands: Environment, Economy and Sustainable Development of a Sahelian Floodplain Wetland, IUCN, pp. 191-209.

Barbier, E.B., 1993, "The Role of Economic Incentives for Natural Resource Management in Developing Countries,. in H. Giersch (ed.), Economic Evolution and Environmental Concerns, Kiel Institute of World Economics and Kluwer Press, pp. 153-178.

Barbier, E.B. and Markandya, A., 1993, "Environmentally Sustainable Development: Optimal Economic Conditions," in E.B. Barbier (ed.), Economics and Ecology: New Frontiers and Sustainable Development, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 11-28.

Barbier, E.B., 1993, "Valuation of Environmental Resources and Impacts in Developing Countries", in R.K. Turner (eds.), Sustainable Environmental Management: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, Bellhaven Press, London, pp. 319-337.

Barbier, E.B., Burgess, J.C. and Pearce, D.W., 1992, "Technological Substitution Options for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions,. in J. Poterba and R. Dornbusch (eds.), Economic Policy Responses to Global Warming, MIT Press, pp. 109-160.

Barbier, E.B., 1991, "Tropical Deforestation", Chapter 8, in D.W. Pearce (ed.), Blueprint 2: The Greening of the World Economy, Earthscan Publications, London, pp. 138-166.

Barbier, E.B., 1991, "Environmental Degradation in the Third World,. Chapter 6, in D.W. Pearce (ed.), Blueprint 2: The Greening of the World Economy, Earthscan Publications, London,  pp. 75-108.

Barbier, E.B., 1991, "Natural Resource Degradation: Policy, Economics and Management,. in J. Winpenny (ed.), Development Research: The Environmental Challenge, Overseas Development Institute, London, pp. 43-57.

Barbier, E.B. and D.W. Pearce, 1990, "Uncertainty, Irreversibility and Decision Making about the Socio-Economic Consequences of Climatic Change,. in M.M. Boer and R.S De Groot (eds.), Landscape-Ecological Impact of Climate Change, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 347-360.

Barbier, E.B., 1990, "The Economic Policy Framework for Natural Resource Management,. Appendix 1 in Nicholas Polunin and John H. Burnett (ed.), Maintenance of the Biosphere, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Futures (3rd ICEF), Edinburgh University Press, pp. 199-206.

Barbier, E.B., 1990, "Economics for Sustainable Production,. in Rosalyn Prinsley (ed.), Agroforestry for Sustainable Production: Economic Implications, Commonwealth Science Council, London, pp. 389-404.

Barbier, E.B., 1990, "Environmental Policy: the Greening of the UK Economy,. Chapter 8 in Peter Jackson and Francis Terry (eds.), Public Domain 1990, Public Finance Foundation with Peat, Marwick, McLintock, London, pp. 85-98.

Pearce, D.W., Barbier, E.B. and Markandya, A., 1988, "Environmental Economics and Decision-Making", in Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Recovery in Africa: A Challenge for Development Cooperation in the 1990s, Stockholm, pp. 271-89.

Barbier, E.B. and Madeley, J., 1987, "Food and Agriculture,. Chapter 4, in IIED and the World Resources Institute, World Resources 1987, Basic Books, New York, pp. 39-56.

Barbier, E.B., 1986, "The Potential for Reviving Economic Growth: The Political Economy of Resource Misallocation", in  P. Ekins (ed.), The Living Economy, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.