Land Degradation, Less Favored Lands and the Rural Poor:
A Spatial and Economic Analysis
A Report for the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative
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2010 Less Favored Agricultural Land/Areas

Suggested citation: Based on Appendix data/tables from Edward B. Barbier and Jacob P. Hochard. Land Degradation, Less Favored Lands and the Rural Poor: A Spatial and Economic Analysis. A Report for the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative. Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming. Available at (Accessed on.)
Country Total population (2010) Rural population (2010) Rural population on less favored agricultural land (2010) Share (%) of rural population on less favored agricultural land (2010) Rural population in less favored agricultural areas (2010) Share (%) of rural population located in less favored agricultural areas (2010) Rural population located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010) Share (%) of rural population located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010)Share (%) of rural population on less favored agricultural land located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010)
Afghanistan 31,401,100 28,760,300 6,917,257 24.1% 7,029,914 24.4% 2,237,476 7.8%32.3%
Albania 3,326,360 2,887,150 2,295,859 79.5% 2,298,809 79.6% 325,173 11.3%14.2%
Algeria 35,646,000 27,105,700 12,636,127 46.6% 12,648,016 46.7% 1,669,250 6.2%13.2%
American Samoa 91,450 19,503 x x x x x x x
Andorra 119,842 26,305 5,813 22.1% 5,813 22.1%0 0.0%0.0%
Angola 17,807,900 17,150,900 2,962,380 17.3% 3,133,220 18.3% 1,829,992 10.7%61.8%
Antigua and Barbuda 66,843 7,780 1,466 18.8% 1,475 19.0% 212 2.7%14.5%
Argentina 41,592,700 22,645,200 5,624,920 24.8% 6,475,984 28.6% 1,095,935 4.8%19.5%
Armenia 3,788,470 2,449,240 1,698,333 69.3% 1,699,238 69.4% 352,532 14.4%20.8%
Aruba 137,911 14,325 x x x x x x x
Australia 21,028,000 6,986,880 476,012 6.8% 522,680 7.5% 58,385 0.8%12.3%
Austria 7,967,490 4,588,740 2,745,093 59.8% 2,749,381 59.9% 231,131 5.0%8.4%
Azerbaijan 8,476,570 5,447,980 1,860,833 34.2% 2,017,565 37.0% 473,340 8.7%25.4%
Bahrain 743,574 98,819 x x x x x x x
Bangladesh 167,276,000 132,512,000 12,307,144 9.3% 16,734,861 12.6% 926,898 0.7%7.5%
Barbados 276,784 12,800 4,615 36.1% 4,615 36.1%0 0.0%0.0%
Belarus 9,794,610 7,338,290 1,850,039 25.2% 1,912,947 26.1% 49,767 0.7%2.7%
Belgium 10,340,400 2,627,770 1,265,109 48.1% 1,265,519 48.2% 5,781 0.2%0.5%
Belize 272,410 257,161 76,349 29.7% 78,691 30.6% 27,280 10.6%35.7%
Benin 8,273,270 6,810,930 842,791 12.4% 1,488,024 21.8% 99,788 1.5%11.8%
Bermuda 66,966 17,467 x x x x x x x
Bhutan 2,768,980 2,726,670 629,697 23.1% 659,437 24.2% 486,965 17.9%77.3%
Bolivia 10,233,300 8,961,110 531,771 5.9% 676,009 7.5% 424,178 4.7%79.8%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,255,110 4,095,950 3,778,574 92.3% 3,782,207 92.3% 681,223 16.6%18.0%
Botswana 1,630,870 1,545,880 522,961 33.8% 524,965 34.0% 209,500 13.6%40.1%
Brazil 191,390,000 105,720,000 54,386,937 51.4% 54,812,853 51.8% 3,636,228 3.4%6.7%
Brunei Darussalam 374,813 121,145 24,656 20.4% 29,693 24.5% 12,923 10.7%52.4%
Bulgaria 7,198,840 5,270,000 4,104,996 77.9% 4,104,996 77.9% 287,362 5.5%7.0%
Burkina Faso 15,763,200 14,775,000 4,763,178 32.2% 6,221,386 42.1% 1,310,079 8.9%27.5%
Burundi 8,642,830 8,003,690 6,027,630 75.3% 6,099,640 76.2% 886,854 11.1%14.7%
Cambodia 16,670,600 14,607,000 9,191,224 62.9% 9,940,304 68.1% 1,046,572 7.2%11.4%
Cameroon 18,354,300 17,060,700 4,840,381 28.4% 4,966,879 29.1% 1,142,463 6.7%23.6%
Canada 33,197,400 6,960,690 1,339,670 19.2% 1,423,363 20.4% 131,000 1.9%9.8%
Cape Verde 522,245 436,968 x x x x x x x
Cayman Islands 51,864 9,803 66 0.7% 661 6.7% 49 0.5%73.5%
Central African Republic 4,438,390 3,752,620 114,698 3.1% 137,069 3.7% 66,377 1.8%57.9%
Chad 10,701,000 10,646,700 1,970,514 18.5% 2,289,136 21.5% 1,215,250 11.4%61.7%
Chile 17,002,700 12,037,500 4,134,668 34.3% 4,165,144 34.6% 842,741 7.0%20.4%
China 1,343,240,000 1,052,070,000 481,097,987 45.7% 503,608,448 47.9% 124,299,127 11.8%25.8%
Colombia 49,140,700 32,539,100 8,883,088 27.3% 9,056,752 27.8% 2,158,170 6.6%24.3%
Comoros 938,596 723,291 185,950 25.7% 186,305 25.8% 168,225 23.3%90.5%
Congo, Dem. Rep. 71,116,800 64,238,200 13,466,543 21.0% 14,453,775 22.5% 4,814,594 7.5%35.8%
Congo, Rep. 4,239,490 3,941,970 622,865 15.8% 772,310 19.6% 260,479 6.6%41.8%
Costa Rica 4,860,980 2,673,730 491,315 18.4% 511,779 19.1% 200,405 7.5%40.8%
Cote d'Ivoire 19,609,200 16,381,200 7,993,306 48.8% 8,702,438 53.1% 2,005,402 12.2%25.1%
Croatia 4,455,310 3,985,150 3,425,065 85.9% 3,443,840 86.4% 296,572 7.4%8.7%
Cuba 11,513,700 10,051,000 2,438,047 24.3% 2,443,216 24.3% 35,721 0.4%1.5%
Cyprus 840,556 186,019 111,071 59.7% 111,071 59.7% 665 0.4%0.6%
Czech Republic 10,155,100 4,640,860 3,463,095 74.6% 3,463,926 74.6% 37,328 0.8%1.1%
Denmark 5,376,390 2,293,910 760,250 33.1% 776,642 33.9% 1,575 0.1%0.2%
Djibouti 679,023 608,748 27 0.0% 27 0.0% 7 0.0%25.0%
Dominica 70,139 32,617 5,571 17.1% 10,334 31.7%0 0.0%0.0%
Dominican Republic 9,646,160 6,736,740 601,630 8.9% 602,158 8.9% 145,966 2.2%24.3%
Ecuador 14,903,300 9,043,640 2,002,749 22.1% 2,225,625 24.6% 493,399 5.5%24.6%
Egypt, Arab Rep. 79,379,000 31,778,900 587,014 1.8% 655,786 2.1% 8,055 0.0%1.4%
El Salvador 7,418,840 3,528,820 1,932,627 54.8% 1,932,627 54.8% 24,769 0.7%1.3%
Equatorial Guinea 600,798 575,144 16,563 2.9% 17,601 3.1% 4,021 0.7%24.3%
Eritrea 5,108,730 5,022,010 268,937 5.4% 268,937 5.4% 88,170 1.8%32.8%
Estonia 1,251,260 461,318 197,780 42.9% 210,411 45.6% 11,659 2.5%5.9%
Ethiopia 79,864,700 75,247,200 31,871,698 42.4% 32,593,373 43.3% 16,405,100 21.8%51.5%
Faeroe Islands 50,555 32,465 13,580 41.8% 13,585 41.8% 13,179 40.6%97.0%
Fiji 896,146 705,281 x x x x x x x
Finland 5,184,750 2,428,580 134,849 5.6% 134,849 5.6% 5,608 0.2%4.2%
France 61,174,300 18,921,600 10,451,155 55.2% 10,460,575 55.3% 239,040 1.3%2.3%
French Polynesia 270,618 190,531 x x x x x x x
Gabon 1,572,580 947,745 42,913 4.5% 50,125 5.3% 39,921 4.2%93.0%
Gambia, The 1,601,680 1,063,670 361,477 34.0% 592,571 55.7% 96,067 9.0%26.6%
Georgia 4,969,850 3,029,550 1,011,723 33.4% 1,039,222 34.3% 236,035 7.8%23.3%
Germany 81,354,700 45,459,200 31,079,525 68.4% 31,091,573 68.4% 293,191 0.6%0.9%
Ghana 23,988,300 18,463,100 8,367,803 45.3% 9,358,626 50.7% 987,111 5.3%11.8%
Greece 10,592,600 3,708,070 2,202,044 59.4% 2,207,033 59.5% 275,486 7.4%12.5%
Greenland 57,152 38,390 x x x x x x x
Grenada 96,121 42,865 13,912 32.5% 13,912 32.5% 13,912 32.5%100.0%
Guam 190,810 15,107 x x x x x x x
Guatemala 14,616,700 10,635,300 4,112,952 38.7% 4,217,074 39.7% 555,982 5.2%13.5%
Guinea 9,961,960 9,704,590 4,555,860 46.9% 4,818,734 49.7% 1,183,433 12.2%26.0%
Guinea-Bissau 1,538,910 1,283,440 283,634 22.1% 306,955 23.9% 87,305 6.8%30.8%
Guyana 763,064 735,189 187,768 25.5% 197,621 26.9% 153,015 20.8%81.5%
Haiti 9,474,870 7,107,520 2,762,048 38.9% 2,763,358 38.9% 333,316 4.7%12.1%
Honduras 7,988,550 4,825,760 2,066,812 42.8% 2,066,812 42.8% 195,993 4.1%9.5%
Hong Kong SAR, China 7,573,070 1,155,690 x x x x x x x
Hungary 9,495,200 5,442,890 1,939,961 35.6% 1,945,545 35.7% 39,936 0.7%2.1%
Iceland 296,904 165,750 1,480 0.9% 1,614 1.0% 275 0.2%18.6%
India 1,164,770,000 932,620,000 253,889,539 27.2% 270,712,192 29.0% 35,725,050 3.8%14.1%
Indonesia 237,677,000 152,912,000 94,053,003 61.5% 95,392,752 62.4% 19,760,700 12.9%21.0%
Iran, Islamic Rep. 80,772,700 64,177,600 9,176,634 14.3% 9,198,412 14.3% 2,287,385 3.6%24.9%
Iraq 29,917,500 25,340,500 3,826,360 15.1% 3,998,019 15.8% 441,737 1.7%11.5%
Ireland 4,212,550 1,741,560 754,155 43.3% 759,901 43.6% 27,608 1.6%3.7%
Isle of Man 81,223 21,456 9,904 46.2% 9,904 46.2% 2,897 13.5%29.2%
Israel 7,375,750 2,171,710 1,363,047 62.8% 1,363,605 62.8% 10,042 0.5%0.7%
Italy 56,363,800 20,065,100 9,199,104 45.8% 9,199,104 45.8% 523,214 2.6%5.7%
Jamaica 2,820,560 1,588,240 81,825 5.2% 81,825 5.2% 3,764 0.2%4.6%
Japan 128,219,000 25,573,300 4,765,137 18.6% 4,765,137 18.6% 230,177 0.9%4.8%
Jordan 6,408,600 3,072,600 937,661 30.5% 939,730 30.6% 4,389 0.1%0.5%
Kazakhstan 15,870,800 10,006,700 5,513,931 55.1% 5,647,788 56.4% 2,297,001 23.0%41.7%
Kenya 36,930,000 29,599,100 11,654,234 39.4% 12,596,371 42.6% 2,753,285 9.3%23.6%
Kiribati 94,488 35,353 x x x x x x x
Korea, Dem. Rep. 23,651,900 21,595,900 12,635,226 58.5% 12,644,845 58.6% 2,257,859 10.5%17.9%
Korea, Rep. 49,633,900 13,534,800 7,158,742 52.9% 7,158,742 52.9% 443,575 3.3%6.2%
Kuwait 2,468,500 928,427 x x x x x x x
Kyrgyz Republic 5,614,830 4,081,930 1,739,662 42.6% 1,746,061 42.8% 582,069 14.3%33.5%
Lao PDR 6,587,550 6,298,850 1,783,319 28.3% 1,832,783 29.1% 356,016 5.7%20.0%
Latvia 2,292,770 834,775 466,090 55.8% 473,665 56.7% 8,868 1.1%1.9%
Lebanon 4,000,540 1,800,780 1,255,282 69.7% 1,255,282 69.7% 21,419 1.2%1.7%
Lesotho 2,099,650 2,039,140 1,338,227 65.6% 1,338,227 65.6% 787,591 38.6%58.9%
Liberia 4,710,570 4,479,220 1,733,454 38.7% 2,089,327 46.6% 1,076,188 24.0%62.1%
Libya 6,530,950 5,302,190 578,129 10.9% 584,171 11.0% 12,497 0.2%2.2%
Liechtenstein 39,558 12,970 3,734 28.8% 3,734 28.8% 194 1.5%5.2%
Lithuania 3,597,750 2,041,620 670,716 32.9% 679,846 33.3% 6,152 0.3%0.9%
Luxembourg 489,390 144,645 x x x x x x x
Macao SAR, China 257,911 44,639 x x x x x x x
Macedonia, FYR 2,077,640 1,226,210 961,208 78.4% 962,706 78.5% 124,453 10.1%12.9%
Madagascar 21,095,800 19,217,500 3,864,453 20.1% 4,104,841 21.4% 796,817 4.1%20.6%
Malawi 13,942,800 11,575,900 4,116,870 35.6% 4,285,097 37.0% 886,502 7.7%21.5%
Malaysia 26,285,600 13,317,700 6,718,746 50.4% 6,947,006 52.2% 1,938,115 14.6%28.8%
Maldives 392,567 000.0%00.0%00.0%0.0%
Mali 15,228,700 14,855,500 4,528,729 30.5% 5,053,313 34.0% 1,243,984 8.4%27.5%
Malta 404,708 36,981 3,834 10.4% 3,834 10.4%0 0.0%0.0%
Marshall Islands 58,087 15,682 x x x x x x x
Mauritania 3,572,760 3,325,360 46,494 1.4% 46,494 1.4% 13,261 0.4%28.5%
Mauritius 1,255,950 184,754 x x x x x x x
Mexico 112,868,000 64,038,100 10,672,069 16.7% 10,859,053 17.0% 1,741,340 2.7%16.3%
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 154,896 57,113 8,174 14.3% 8,174 14.3% 7,631 13.4%93.4%
Moldova 4,172,670 2,692,210 2,268,286 84.3% 2,268,286 84.3% 32,685 1.2%1.4%
Monaco 34,051 2,724 x x x x x x x
Mongolia 2,875,450 2,732,100 182,577 6.7% 183,811 6.7% 106,455 3.9%58.3%
Morocco 35,361,600 27,913,500 11,689,195 41.9% 11,782,432 42.2% 1,582,428 5.7%13.5%
Mozambique 21,749,300 19,721,300 6,607,319 33.5% 8,656,316 43.9% 2,105,610 10.7%31.9%
Myanmar 53,103,000 47,024,700 13,028,127 27.7% 15,227,954 32.4% 1,908,693 4.1%14.7%
Namibia 2,077,800 1,697,180 436,932 25.7% 441,919 26.0% 392,634 23.1%89.9%
Nepal 29,023,200 26,454,500 10,170,593 38.4% 10,909,290 41.2% 3,764,583 14.2%37.0%
Netherlands 16,299,900 5,495,970 1,858,457 33.8% 1,858,457 33.8% 6,283 0.1%0.3%
New Caledonia 257,904 179,530 60,012 33.4% 60,012 33.4% 32,591 18.2%54.3%
New Zealand 4,040,610 1,298,410 262,405 20.2% 262,967 20.3% 14,652 1.1%5.6%
Nicaragua 6,489,030 4,932,030 2,621,318 53.1% 2,663,666 54.0% 234,760 4.8%9.0%
Niger 15,556,400 15,461,400 1,077,027 7.0% 1,267,808 8.2% 208,488 1.3%19.4%
Nigeria 146,913,000 123,652,000 28,695,213 23.2% 31,767,711 25.7% 3,046,473 2.5%10.6%
Northern Mariana Islands 106,256 22,192 1,282 5.8% 1,559 7.0% 1 0.0%0.0%
Norway 4,612,180 2,193,220 305,753 13.9% 305,753 13.9% 30,313 1.4%9.9%
Oman 3,525,140 2,511,690 109,734 4.4% 109,734 4.4% 643 0.0%0.6%
Pakistan 181,001,000 146,268,000 17,313,698 11.8% 20,145,110 13.8% 5,125,107 3.5%29.6%
Palau 23,446 8,973 2,527 28.2% 3,100 34.5% 2,395 26.7%94.8%
Panama 3,261,540 2,223,570 576,487 25.9% 601,669 27.1% 153,996 6.9%26.7%
Papua New Guinea 5,989,040 5,616,060 468,699 8.3% 484,740 8.6% 389,617 6.9%83.1%
Paraguay 6,916,050 3,684,000 1,181,533 32.1% 1,246,821 33.8% 397,180 10.8%33.6%
Peru 29,877,700 17,584,000 3,053,534 17.4% 3,074,127 17.5% 1,429,982 8.1%46.8%
Philippines 89,887,300 61,418,000 41,882,296 68.2% 42,201,073 68.7% 12,229,500 19.9%29.2%
Poland 38,246,300 18,754,400 5,574,198 29.7% 5,586,895 29.8% 62,538 0.3%1.1%
Portugal 10,078,800 3,206,060 1,861,912 58.1% 1,863,909 58.1% 89,395 2.8%4.8%
Puerto Rico 4,249,850 124,033 13,759 11.1% 13,759 11.1%0 0.0%0.0%
Qatar 653,008 162,617 7 0.0% 7 0.0%0 0.0%0.0%
Romania 21,814,000 13,053,700 7,472,221 57.2% 7,476,302 57.3% 415,363 3.2%5.6%
Russian Federation 137,002,000 60,271,000 22,561,432 37.4% 23,384,637 38.8% 2,335,884 3.9%10.4%
Rwanda 9,417,910 8,822,920 7,393,127 83.8% 7,428,319 84.2% 1,303,210 14.8%17.6%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 36,103 6,067 17 0.3% 224 3.7%0 0.0%0.0%
Saint Lucia 163,228 67,822 16,995 25.1% 16,995 25.1%0 0.0%0.0%
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 120,149 73,887 23,290 31.5% 23,290 31.5% 16,320 22.1%70.1%
Samoa 168,025 119,626 x x x x x x x
San Marino 25,496 000.0%00.0%00.0%0.0%
Sao Tome and Principe 163,740 139,227 16,046 11.5% 16,563 11.9% 1,950 1.4%12.2%
Saudi Arabia 27,613,900 26,388,700 26,397 0.1% 32,851 0.1% 11,328 0.0%42.9%
Senegal 12,081,800 8,945,690 3,747,380 41.9% 3,747,380 41.9% 401,423 4.5%10.7%
Serbia and Montenegro n n n n n n n n n
Seychelles 91,361 23,360 x x x x x x x
Sierra Leone 6,288,030 5,956,430 2,949,968 49.5% 3,065,609 51.5% 295,821 5.0%10.0%
Singapore 4,492,500 376,771 x x x x x x x
Slovak Republic 5,433,620 3,149,160 1,686,370 53.5% 1,687,550 53.6% 83,828 2.7%5.0%
Slovenia 2,187,100 1,179,320 1,005,553 85.3% 1,006,654 85.4% 76,473 6.5%7.6%
Solomon Islands 618,678 506,094 110,760 21.9% 124,561 24.6% 96,199 19.0%86.9%
Somalia 13,059,500 12,406,700 2,056,730 16.6% 2,056,730 16.6% 407,277 3.3%19.8%
South Africa 45,124,300 16,641,200 8,077,130 48.5% 8,112,707 48.8% 2,589,076 15.6%32.1%
Spain 39,498,000 11,731,900 6,808,109 58.0% 6,817,413 58.1% 334,016 2.8%4.9%
Sri Lanka 20,698,800 14,685,100 8,445,810 57.5% 9,144,012 62.3% 1,393,104 9.5%16.5%
Sudan 38,644,500 36,671,200 5,203,156 14.2% 5,569,337 15.2% 2,403,939 6.6%46.2%
Suriname 434,393 193,354 36,972 19.1% 38,935 20.1% 9,635 5.0%26.1%
Swaziland 986,116 930,650 564,252 60.6% 566,095 60.8% 185,266 19.9%32.8%
Sweden 8,704,050 4,759,060 2,004,086 42.1% 2,049,211 43.1% 20,252 0.4%1.0%
Switzerland 7,049,430 2,327,300 1,772,759 76.2% 1,774,748 76.3% 29,142 1.3%1.6%
Syrian Arab Republic 20,751,200 18,690,400 5,216,344 27.9% 5,281,286 28.3% 148,696 0.8%2.9%
Tajikistan 6,611,000 4,756,200 2,352,089 49.5% 2,370,011 49.8% 572,957 12.0%24.4%
Tanzania 44,059,300 41,487,100 16,544,086 39.9% 20,306,778 48.9% 5,822,014 14.0%35.2%
Thailand 69,652,400 50,387,300 21,524,968 42.7% 22,847,031 45.3% 5,376,883 10.7%25.0%
The Bahamas 341,146 99,526 30,040 30.2% 37,736 37.9% 18,809 18.9%62.6%
Timor-Leste 668,750 624,823 441,608 70.7% 448,624 71.8% 414,504 66.3%93.9%
Togo 5,795,110 4,763,170 1,296,875 27.2% 1,728,073 36.3% 353,016 7.4%27.2%
Tonga 102,873 40,501 x x x x x x x
Trinidad and Tobago 1,358,430 301,257 27,118 9.0% 27,177 9.0% 3,252 1.1%12.0%
Tunisia 10,631,300 7,901,960 3,502,181 44.3% 3,502,685 44.3% 339,689 4.3%9.7%
Turkey 75,178,000 64,950,800 42,311,429 65.1% 42,313,260 65.1% 4,774,973 7.4%11.3%
Turkmenistan 5,719,290 4,625,360 150,288 3.2% 210,765 4.6% 51,271 1.1%34.1%
Turks and Caicos Islands 22,570 15,690 1,522 9.7% 1,827 11.6% 1,384 8.8%90.9%
Tuvalu 11,563 3,680 x x x x x x x
Uganda 32,577,800 29,082,800 12,277,614 42.2% 12,436,306 42.8% 1,734,280 6.0%14.1%
Ukraine 45,252,500 23,547,700 12,517,089 53.2% 12,572,106 53.4% 355,856 1.5%2.8%
United Arab Emirates 3,044,670 2,183,440 136 0.0% 136 0.0% 42 0.0%30.9%
United Kingdom 60,247,500 17,188,000 8,368,819 48.7% 8,374,383 48.7% 103,205 0.6%1.2%
United States 308,568,000 64,382,200 25,150,807 39.1% 25,678,101 39.9% 2,637,990 4.1%10.5%
Uruguay 3,567,990 2,073,400 1,135,460 54.8% 1,294,068 62.4% 305,534 14.7%26.9%
Uzbekistan 28,327,900 15,771,900 3,912,613 24.8% 4,082,512 25.9% 701,249 4.4%17.9%
Vanuatu 251,851 224,387 32,392 14.4% 34,279 15.3% 30,689 13.7%94.7%
Venezuela, RB 28,728,400 16,217,500 4,830,400 29.8% 5,000,211 30.8% 1,271,196 7.8%26.3%
Vietnam 88,657,300 68,743,700 26,256,797 38.2% 27,753,628 40.4% 2,845,824 4.1%10.8%
Virgin Islands (U.S.) 134,219 17,862 1,392 7.8% 1,392 7.8%0 0.0%0.0%
Yemen, Rep. 27,357,000 23,497,600 1,027,418 4.4% 1,027,418 4.4% 657,360 2.8%64.0%
Zambia 12,992,600 11,031,700 3,932,100 35.6% 5,060,931 45.9% 2,373,658 21.5%60.4%
Zimbabwe 15,009,000 11,529,700 5,011,064 43.5% 5,079,269 44.1% 1,454,250 12.6%29.0%
Region Total population (2010) Rural population (2010) Rural population on less favored agricultural land (2010) Share (%) of rural population on less favored agricultural land (2010) Rural population in less favored agricultural areas (2010) Share (%) of rural population located in less favored agricultural areas (2010) Rural population located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010) Share (%) of rural population located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010)Share (%) of rural population on less favored agricultural land located on remote less favored agricultural land (2010)
World 6,784,554,418 4,663,874,681 1,666,586,219 35.7% 1,748,568,603 37.5% 332,447,782 7.1%19.9%
High Income: non-OECD 211,485,119 105,144,305 28,725,480 27.3% 29,764,454 28.3% 3,055,199 2.9%10.6%
High Income: OECD 1,016,181,874 310,176,983 138,150,145 44.5% 138,985,241 44.8% 6,855,900 2.2%5.0%
Low income 816,196,786 717,130,131 216,927,832 30.2% 238,976,663 33.3% 60,492,406 8.4%27.9%
Lower middle income 2,391,501,556 1,825,888,738 563,428,414 30.9% 594,447,111 32.6% 98,637,157 5.4%17.5%
Upper middle income 2,349,189,083 1,705,534,524 719,354,349 42.2% 746,395,134 43.8% 163,407,120 9.6%22.7%
East Asia and Pacific (all income levels) 2,183,862,785 1,548,583,319 722,166,678 46.6% 752,483,904 48.6% 173,859,081 11.2%24.1%
Europe and Central Asia (all income levels) 857,656,417 425,358,127 218,506,193 51.4% 220,221,923 51.8% 17,504,996 4.1%8.0%
Latin America & Carribean (all income levels) 592,906,994 350,858,297 114,563,045 32.7% 117,239,474 33.4% 15,924,423 4.5%13.9%
Middle East and North Africa (all income levels) 383,264,663 271,672,862 51,935,529 19.1% 52,383,431 19.3% 7,194,967 2.6%13.9%
North America 341,832,366 71,360,357 26,490,477 37.1% 27,101,464 38.0% 2,768,990 3.9%10.5%
South Asia (all income levels) 1,597,331,647 1,284,026,570 309,673,737 24.1% 335,334,815 26.1% 49,659,183 3.9%16.0%
Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels) 827,699,546 712,015,149 223,250,561 31.4% 243,803,592 34.2% 65,536,142 9.2%29.4%
East Asia and Pacific (developing only) 1,967,417,393 1,499,084,325 709,418,431 47.3% 739,683,114 49.3% 173,066,778 11.5%24.4%
Europe and Central Asia (developing only) 261,943,640 180,673,760 97,739,133 54.1% 98,450,327 54.5% 12,353,246 6.8%12.6%
Latin America & Carribean (developing only) 565,660,584 336,138,255 109,212,920 32.5% 111,691,396 33.2% 14,752,441 4.4%13.5%
Middle East and North Africa (developing only) 337,435,413 237,190,478 50,432,374 21.3% 50,873,265 21.4% 7,172,912 3.0%14.2%
South Asia (developing only) 1,597,331,647 1,284,026,570 309,673,737 24.1% 335,334,815 26.1% 49,659,183 3.9%16.0%
Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) 827,098,748 711,440,005 223,233,998 31.4% 243,785,991 34.3% 65,532,122 9.2%29.4%
All Developing Countries 5,556,887,425 4,248,553,393 1,499,710,594 35.3% 1,579,818,908 37.2% 322,536,682 7.6%21.5%
All Developed Countries 1,227,666,993 415,321,288 166,875,624 40.2% 168,749,695 40.6% 9,911,099 2.4%5.9%
Number of countries with data 205 205 183 183 183 183 183 183 183
x = missing data or insufficient spatial resolution denoting agricultural land
n = unable to determine due to a change in political boundaries
Less Favored Agricultural Land (LFAL)
Less Favored Agricultural Areas (LFAA)
Less favored agricultural land (LFAL) consists of irrigated land on terrain greater than 8% median slope; rainfed land with a length of growing period (LGP) of more than 120 days but either on terrain greater than 8% median slope or with poor soil quality; semi-arid land (land with LGP 60-119 days); and arid land (land with LGP < 60 days)
Less favored agricultural areas (LFAA) include less favored agricultural land as well as favored agricultural land located in remote areas.